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10 Best Chicken Breeds for Kids

Best Chicken Breeds for Kids

Is your child fond of helping you with raising homesteading animals?

If yes, and you’re planning to start raising a flock of chickens, you need to ensure you choose the best chicken breeds for kids so you won’t have to worry when they interact with your birds.

However, choosing kid-friendly chickens out of 1,600 total breeds in the world can be daunting.

But the good news is we’re here to help you out!

We curated a list of the best chicken breeds for kids to help you find gentle birds for your little ones.

In particular, you’ll discover:

  • Dual-purpose breeds that excel in the meat and egg-laying department
  • Fluffy chicken breeds that enjoy being cuddled by their humans
  • And a popular kid-friendly chicken that lays eggs with different color

We’ll also spill the history of each breed and discuss why they’re considered the best chickens for kids. Without further ado, let’s dive right in!

Best Chicken Breeds for Kids infographics

10 Best Chicken Breeds for Kids

Best chicken breeds for kids- Buff Orpington

1. Buff Orpington

We’re kicking off this list of best chicken breeds for kids with thegolden retrievers of the chicken world. With their fluffy golden look and friendly personality combined with excellent meat and egg production capabilities, it’s no surprise why Buff Orpingtons are well-loved by poultry enthusiasts and the best chickens for children.

Buff Orpington’s History

Thanks to William Cook, a coachman from Orpington who developed the breed we can have Orpington chickens in different color variations.

Cook started off by breeding Langshan, Minorca, and Plymouth Rock. He was able to create a black Orpington and went on to develop a buff Orpington.

After years of breeding efforts, he successfully produced white, blue, splashed, and patterned variations of the breed.

Why They’re The Best Chicken Breed for Kids?

They’re calm, friendly, intuitive, and love being held. That’s why they’re perfect for affectionate kids who love to give their pets a hug.

They would to have a large space so they could roam around but they are hardy and can handle cold and confinement well.

Buff Orpingtonsinnately want to be mothers as they love raising new chicks. They tend to go broody and protective of their eggs and nesting box.

But if that happens, you won’t be able to harvest lots of eggs.But regardless of that, they’re still the best family chickens out there.

Quick Facts

Egg color: Brown
Egg size: Large
Starts laying at: 5 to 7 months of age
Primary purpose: Egg and meat production
Total eggs produced yearly: 200 to 280

Best chickens for children- Brahma

2. Brahma Chicken

Placing second on our top picks for the best chicken breeds for kids with theKing of all Poultry,Brahma chicken.They’re not a popular meat source, but they can be interesting for kids.

History of Brahma Chickens

梵天的历史可以追溯到中国上海。Along with the Cochin breed, they fueled the “Hen Fever‘ a period of national obsession for poultry birds in America and England in the 1850s.

The original variety was the light Brahma with beautiful black striping on the hackle feathers and minor striping on the saddle area.

When Mr. George Burnham gifted Queen Victoria of England with a light Brahma in December 1852, it captured hearts and had a huge boost in prices from $12-15 per pair to $100-150.

Burnham’s quality stock later became the basis for the Dark Brahma variety which was developed in England and shipped back to the US.

Why Brahmas Are One of the Best Chicken Breeds for Kids?

Despite their giant size, these birds have a calm and docile nature. They’re not flighty or skittish and they aren’t aggressive with other birds

Furthermore, they’re friendly to people and tolerate being handled. They’re huge and fluffy so they’re adorable to look at and fun to play with for children.

However, due to their size, some kids can get intimidated by them.

If that’s the case for your child, try introducing a bantam Brahma chicken because they’re easier to carry and would better suit tiny children.

They’re excellent in both the meat and egg department and they can be raised and groomed for shows, thanks to their attractive look. However, they require lots of feed.

Quick Facts

Egg color: Brown
Egg size: Medium
Starts laying at: 7 months old
Primary purpose: Egg and meat production
Total eggs produced yearly: 200

Best chickens for kids- Silkie Bantam

3. Silkie Bantam

Next on the list is the eye-catchingSilkie chickens. These fluffy birds are distinguishable due to their unique plumage which looks like fur. Even their feet are covered with fluffy feathers!

Their skin is black and their heads are crested and resemble a “pom-pom” paired with a walnut comb with dark or dark mulberry coloration.

But if you wonder why they have a fluffy appearance, well, that’s because they lack barbicels which are the hooks that hold the feathers together.

History of Silkie Chickens

It’s said that Silkie chickens are of Chinese origin, dating back to the Chinese Han Dynasty in 206 BC. In fact, the Chinese name for these birds is “wu-gu-Ji” which means black-boned.

Marco Polo witnessed this fluffy bird on his remarkable journey across Europe and the Far East and described the breed as a “furry chicken”.

Why Silkies Are One of the Best Chicken Breeds for Kids?

不仅适合孩子贝科Silkie鸡use they’re friendly, calm, and docile, but also because they look cuddly and fluffy similar to teddy bears.

Furthermore, these adorable fluff balls love sitting on their human’s lap and enjoying some cuddles.

They’re cold and heat-hardy and interact well with people and may follow you and your child around and try to talk to you.

Quick Facts

Egg color: Cream
Egg size: Small
Starts laying at: 7 to 9 months
Primary purpose: Exhibition
Total eggs produced yearly: 100 to 120

Best chicken breeds for kids: Plymouth Rock

4. Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rockis one of America’s oldest breeds but they’re never too old for kids. These single-combed chickens have defined and clear black-and-white bar patterns on their plumage.

Their skin and legs are yellow and their beak is horn-colored.

History of Plymouth Rock Chicken

In Massachusetts in 1849, Plymouth Rock was first observed. These original birds appear to have vanished for almost 20 years, although no one is certain what happened to them.

Around 1869, when a Mr. Upham of Worcester, Massachusetts, began breeding Java hens and barred males, the trail heated up once more.

There was speculation that he was attempting to selectively breed for banded plumage and clean legs.

Currently, it is believed that these birds are Plymouth Rock’s most likely ancestors.

Why Plymouth Rock is One of The Best Chicken Breeds For Kids?

These sweet chickens enjoy being cuddled by their owners and they’re very trusting towards their humans, making them suitable for families with children.

Even their roosters are docile! So you don’t have to worry when they’re interacting with your kids although they require minimal supervision.

Quick Facts

Egg color: Brown
Egg size: Large
Starts laying at: Between 4 to 6 months old
Primary purpose: Egg and meat production
Total eggs produced yearly: 200

Best chicken breeds for kids: Cochin

5. Cochin

This list of the best chicken breeds for children would not be complete without this gentle giant, theCochin breed. They sport fluffy and thick feathers around their body, including their shanks.

History of Cochin Chickens

The breed originated in the Province of Shantung, north of Shanghai, and was known as “Ju-chin” there, according to “Popular Breeds of Domestic Poultry,” published in 1923.

The name translates to “nine picules,” where a picule is equal to 114 pounds.

They had a moderate to sparse amount of feathering and a wide range of colors. Cochins (also known as Shanghai chickens) are believed to have been imported into America for at least 50 years prior to the year 1846, according to import statistics.

The breed initially gained popularity when imported birds were presented to Queen Victoria in England. This marked the beginning of “hen fever,” a mid-1800s national infatuation with all things poultry, which spread to America and England.

Why Cochins Are One of the Best Chicken For Kids?

These hardy birds appear to be fluffy and they’re exceptionally calm and friendly.

They’re heavy and huge but they’re actually sweethearts that are easy to get along with. That’s why they’re among the best chicken for kids and families.

Furthermore, Cochins have the instinct and gentleness to serve as foster moms.

Quick Facts

Egg color: Light Brown
Egg size: Large
Starts laying at: 8 to 9 months old
Primary purpose: Exhibition
Total eggs produced yearly: 110 to 180 eggs per year

Kid friendly chicken- Australorp

6. Australorp

Australorpalso deserves a mention on this list of best chicken breeds for kids because of their excellent personality and beautiful, iridescent black plumage.

History of Australorp Chicken

To create a good dual-purpose bird suitable for the Australian environment, William Cook’s Orpingtons were transported to Australia in the early 1900s.

They crossed them with Rhode Island Reds to improve their egg-laying capabilities.Then, to provide high-quality meat, the Orpington breed was further improved in England.

The ever-practical Australian poultry breeders of the 1920s desired a good utility bird, placing importance on producing large quantities of eggs and secondary meat.

In order to get this, Rhode Island Reds, Minorcas, White Leghorn, Langshan, and perhaps some Plymouth Rocks were crossed with Cook’s Orpingtons.

The outcome was a bird with exceptional laying abilities; possibly the combination of Rhode Island Red, Leghorn, and Orpington genes made this bird a laying superstar!

Why Australorp is Excellent for Kids?

They are outgoing, curious yet friendly birds and they’re easy to raise. But they can also be playful and provide entertainment for families.

Quick Facts

Egg color: Light Brown
Egg size: Medium
Starts laying at: 4 months old
Primary purpose: Meat and egg production
Total eggs produced yearly: 200 to 250

Kid friendly chicken- Polish Chicken

7. Polish Chicken

Now we’re down to another ornamental bird on this best chicken breeds for kids list, thePolish chicken. These birds are distinct with unique head feathers that are similar to that of a 1970 hairdo.

They also feature a red, V-shaped comb, white earlobes, and gray legs.


This bird’s ancestry is unknown but there are numerous anecdotal accounts of how it entered Europe.

One of them is the fact that the Polish King was deposed in 1736 and fled to France. He traveled with his beloved Polish chicks in his “luggage.”

Their future was secured as they rose to fame in French society at the time and won the hearts of the French elite.

The Polish made their way to England in the 1700s before eventually arriving in the USA in 1830–1840.

It was initially imported as a good white egg layer, but the white Leghorn eventually outperformed it in terms of egg production.

Why Polish Are One of The Best Chicken Breeds for Kids?

They may look unusual but these birds are friendly and gentle with kids. They can tolerate handling and cuddling. So, they’re suitable for children to have as pets.

Quick Facts

Egg color: White
Egg size: Tiny
Starts laying at: 4 to 5 months old
Primary purpose: Exhibition
Total eggs produced yearly: 200

Most child friendly chickens- Wyandotte

8. Wyandotte

Next on this best chickens for kids’ list is America’s favorite hens, the gorgeously-lacedWyandottechickens. It’s among homesteaders’ and chicken enthusiasts’ favorites and it’s easy to see why.

These birds are dual-purpose and they have an appealing plumage pattern. most famous varieties are the Silver and Golden Laced.

They sport a silver and gold plumage with black laces which creates a stunning coloration.

History of Wyandotte Chicken

The breed’s original name used to be American Sebright which implies that it was developed in the US.

But it was changed to Wyandotte when the American Poultry Association recognized and accepted the breed to honor the Wyandotte Indian Nation for the aid they had given to the first white settlers in the area.

The developers of this gorgeous breed are John Ray, Fred Houdlette, L. Whittaker, and H.M. Doubleday and the first variety they created was the Silver Laced back in the 1860s.

Then by breeding a Silver Laced with a gold-spangled Hamburg and Partridge Cochin cock, they were able to produce a gold-laced variety.

Why Wyandotte is One of The Best Chicken Breeds For Kids?

Wyandotte chickens are generally calm, docile, and friendly. They tolerate confinement and they’re known to be child-friendly and cold and heat-hardy.

However, they don’t pass as ‘lap chickens’ because they’re not as affectionate as the previous breeds. In fact, they tend to fight back when bullied by other chickens or breeds and will assert their dominance.

Quick Facts

Egg color: Cream-colored to brown
Egg size: Large
Starts laying at: 18 weeks or so
Primary purpose: Meat and egg production
Total eggs produced yearly: 200

Best chicken breeds for kids: Speckled Sussex

9. Speckled Sussex

We’re down to another striking breed with features a rich and dark mahogany base color with white tips at each feather and a black bar with iridescent green overtones.

Thanks to this unique coloration pattern, Sussex can camouflage when free-ranging.

History of Speckled Sussex

The origin ofspeckled Sussexis uncertain but there are writings from the Roman invasion of Britain in A.D.43 that indicated its presence in the country at the time.

Fast-forward to the Victorian era, when the US and UK were stricken by “hen fever.” In 1845, the first poultry show featured a collection of birds known as “Sussex or Kentish fowl.”

A sizable crowd attended the performance at Regents Park Zoo. The bird that was later known as the speckled Sussex made its debut appearance in front of the general public.

Why Speckled Sussex Are Suitable For Children?

These birds are even-tempered, calm, friendly, and docile. They’d even follow you around and talk to you especially if you’re carrying treats with you.

They’re naturally curious and tolerate confinement well.

So, they’re one of the best options if you’re looking for child-friendly chickens.

Quick Facts

Egg color: Light brown
Egg size: Large
Starts laying at: 20 weeks
Primary purpose: Meat and egg production
Total eggs produced yearly: 200

Kid-friendly chicken - Easter Egger

10. Easter Egger

We’re wrapping up the list of best chicken breeds for kids with one of the most exciting layers, theEaster Egger.

These birds lay eggs in a variety of colors ranging from blue, pink green olive to brown. So harvesting their eggs every morning can be fun for kids!

History of Easter Egger

These adorable birds were developed by crossing Araucana or Ameraucanas with other breeds.

Both the Araucana and Ameraucana have the gene necessary to produce blue eggs. Therefore, when you cross a brown egg layer with an Araucana or Ameraucana, the result will be a green/olive-colored egg.

What Makes Easter Egger Suitable for Kids?

Easter eggers are easygoing, friendly, intuitive birds. They don’t bully others because they’re innately gentle.

On top of that, they lay colorful eggs and can make egg hunting so much fun for the kids!

Quick Facts
Egg color: Blue, green, white, pink, tan, or dark brown
Egg size: Medium
Starts laying at: 20 to 24 weeks old
Primary purpose: Egg production
Total eggs produced yearly: 200

best chickens for kids

Common Questions About the Best Chicken Breeds for Kids

What is the calmest breed of chicken?

Buff Orpingtons, Australorps, Cochin chickens, Brahmas, Silkie Bantam, Sussex, Barred Rock, and Salmon Faverolles are among the most docile chicken breeds.

That’s why they’re the ideal breeds for children who love keeping this kind of bird.

What are the best chickens for schools?

The best chicken breeds for kid keepers are Silkies, Orpingtons, and Pekin Bantam because they’re generally docile in nature Most chickens are easy to handle when they’re raised in a hands-on environment but those breeds are among the most suitable for children.

Are chickens good pets for kids?

Yes, chickens do make good pets and companions for children except for the broody hens and aggressive roosters. Many of them are trainable and tolerate being handled.

What is the least aggressive chicken breed?

Our top picks for the least aggressive chickens are Silkies, Speckled Sussex, Cochin, Rhode Island Red, Wyandotte, Australorp, and Easter Eggers.

How many chickens should a beginner start with?

Since chickens are flock-oriented, it’s best to start with at least three chickens. You should be able to collect a dozen of eggs from three laying hens.

But if you have a large family, a flock of five to six hens is ideal for you.

What are the hardiest chickens to raise?

如果你想要一个冷耐寒品种适合children, you can choose from Orpingtons, Australorps, and Silkie Bantams. Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, and Brahmas don’t mind chilly weather too but they’re not as hardy as the former breeds.

kid friendly chickens

Final Thoughts About The Best Chicken Breeds for Kids

So, that’s a wrap for our list of best chicken breeds for kids!

Out of ten pet chickens for kids on this list, which one is your favorite, and which one would your kid love the most?

If your kids love petting and cuddling with fluffy birds, Silkies, Buff Orpingtons and Brahmas may be the one for them.

However, if you want a kid-friendly chicken that possesses excellent meat and egg-laying capabilities, look no further than Buff Orpingtons, Brahmas, Plymouth Rock, Wyandotte, and Speckled Sussex.

But if you to make egg harvesting more exciting for your child by choosing a breed that lays a wide range of egg colors, Easter Eggers may be the best option for you.

READ NEXT:Most Aggressive (And Dangerous) Chicken Breeds to Watch Out

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